Friday, April 24, 2020

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

We're living under a mad man, a sad man

Killing, deforestation, pollution, bankers robbing the society

A bloody hell hole that no one crawls out of

Give me your thoughts or your life

Give me those dreams that lick out your brain

A hundred seamless sitting salesman

In his glockenspiel machine Protersfessor Nickend Dick sits while a bird sputters excrement

White Russia is the dominator of the Soviet

"Giganta" a fifty story woman who menstruates on New York city

The bison roam the suburbs eating lawn grass

They bring back the bombers from the Vietnam era to carpet bomb the desert

The cruel wit of war, the roasted, toasted human beings with their hands still on the steering wheel

All that marshland hidden in the drainage pipes

Elephants dance in the zoo, while the homeless and crippled sing in a choir in front of cages

Wolf hairs hanging out of the nose of Horace Becker, of Becker, Pecker, and Salami Law Firm

We all sit down and have a light meal of human flesh at the All Meat Diner on Fairfax Avenue.

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