Sunday, April 12, 2020

Poem from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

The soldiers battalion, the honors rush

Were fighting ourselves, and fighting others

Pretty nudie girls hanging on the wall above the toilet

Marshmallow heaven for those who wait

There isn't a next time, there isn't a present

The future is here and all it does is fight you

Do we need another coffee shop on every block, when any old Folgers can will do

Pierced toe, pierced pussy, pierced eye lid, pierced navel, this girl is pierced every where to make a public show

All you see out there is green pavement and box houses

Tired of all the troubles, who needs the chase

Freedom is waiting for you in the past

We all stroke the chains of the monetary gain

The bread is on the table with all the corpses piling up 

Release that tenuous beast to chase the upwardly mobile

Help those that wait, who can skate on glass.

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