Friday, April 24, 2020

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

We're living under a mad man, a sad man

Killing, deforestation, pollution, bankers robbing the society

A bloody hell hole that no one crawls out of

Give me your thoughts or your life

Give me those dreams that lick out your brain

A hundred seamless sitting salesman

In his glockenspiel machine Protersfessor Nickend Dick sits while a bird sputters excrement

White Russia is the dominator of the Soviet

"Giganta" a fifty story woman who menstruates on New York city

The bison roam the suburbs eating lawn grass

They bring back the bombers from the Vietnam era to carpet bomb the desert

The cruel wit of war, the roasted, toasted human beings with their hands still on the steering wheel

All that marshland hidden in the drainage pipes

Elephants dance in the zoo, while the homeless and crippled sing in a choir in front of cages

Wolf hairs hanging out of the nose of Horace Becker, of Becker, Pecker, and Salami Law Firm

We all sit down and have a light meal of human flesh at the All Meat Diner on Fairfax Avenue.

Untitled by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Poem from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

I enter the wilderness, and come back smarter than any of them

The geologic pressure of a blind papoose

Open up and let me in, skinny legs and all

All the hemophiliacs dancing to their graves

Aids kills the innocent as the conservatives look for those to blame

The pumping in of white blood cells

Golden warriors on the warpath

You make televisions, we'll fight the wars

A just and stable land

The conservative oligarchy asphyxiate the world, the never ending status quo

They are eating the whole meal and leaving nothing but the crumbs

The rabbit has no where to run

The dollar doesn't stretch very far at the grocery store

I walk into the beautiful storm of melted dark towers

The song in the rain, the clap of thunder, the liquid dripping from my hood

Please don't hurt the lion that waits in the tall grass.

Doodle Art by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Friday, April 17, 2020

Poem from the book {Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                          Brutal capitalism 
                                  for the
                      Poor and middle class

                                   for the 
                                      Never allowed to fail

Untitled Abstract by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Movement, doing time in the little box room

The sun burns the window shade a deep red ochre

The emptiness, the silence, the rattle of the mind

Courageous fool flying deep for that Sunday football

A teacher throws a kid against the wall

I'm sitting on the edge looking down at the world

God is nature, how empty we are without it

The fools are wrecking the planet and living in denial

The little red house on Mars with a driveway and a mailbox

The free man stands outside looking at the splendor

A dinosaur gets a boob job, goes to a bar entices the males and eats the clientele 

The cottonwood leaf rides the water, it twists and turns in the pull of the current

The crust forms on the lid of my bucket of home brew, Chris asks me if I'm going to drink that?

I sit on the roots of the cottonwood tree and watch the hawk glide the sky like the kite I used to play with

The Winter is leaving and we are moving to a different climate

Few have the patience anymore to sit and read in the easy chair

The authoritarians plot for a major power play, they are counting on us to forget that we are their slaves.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

She lets me go and I am lost

I put a coin in a machine and see a moving picture show

The rain made of the tears of a giant monster

There's nothing new in this world, it's all recycled

A Neanderthal man swims to an island of bikini clad Mexican girls who jack him off and blow him

The river is music, the river is dreams

The educated man, one of the Harvard boys

The forest shall overcome the sea of corn

Groundhogs pop out of their holes and start baying at the moon

The roving eye of Mars

The rock is history, the rings of fire

Play it again Sam so I can Understand

Slaves to time, we reap joy out of the madness 

You can't win against stupidity, you have to let them end

The tigers tail hanging from an oak door

The lovely Spring, what shall it bring, what may it sing

I haven't seen a mulberry ever so like you.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

We are mocked by a speck of nature

A micro organism so small 20,000 thousand of them can fit on the head of a pin

We are all just sitting inside our houses and waiting

We are in the waiting game

We don't feel smart there, we don't feel good, the waiting is boring

The boredom just tears your world apart

Were waiting to see wether we live or die, or wether were gonna cry for others

There is always something out there trying to kill you

From a germ, a tornado, a man with a gun, a car crash, earthquake, wild fire, tsunami, or just choking on a hot dog

The roulette wheel of death was always there but just a walk through the grocery store can kill you

I deal with it by sitting on my folding chair throwing a fishing line into the river

There is a peaceful decadence to the river life where I find so much joy

There's nothing I can do but wait.

Poem from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

The soldiers battalion, the honors rush

Were fighting ourselves, and fighting others

Pretty nudie girls hanging on the wall above the toilet

Marshmallow heaven for those who wait

There isn't a next time, there isn't a present

The future is here and all it does is fight you

Do we need another coffee shop on every block, when any old Folgers can will do

Pierced toe, pierced pussy, pierced eye lid, pierced navel, this girl is pierced every where to make a public show

All you see out there is green pavement and box houses

Tired of all the troubles, who needs the chase

Freedom is waiting for you in the past

We all stroke the chains of the monetary gain

The bread is on the table with all the corpses piling up 

Release that tenuous beast to chase the upwardly mobile

Help those that wait, who can skate on glass.

The Worlds Smallest Woman by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                             Iowa State Fair

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Poem from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Bulldozers and earthmovers on the hill with a derelict barn and an old apple orchard

The sprawl of houses eating away at the farmland

The farmland eating away at the prairie, woods, and marshland

I feel like the ocean

The temptation hangs before me

The fire is the sun and lays near my feet

Sweet liar that decays in the mist

Every joy for every boy

Laying by the heat radiating from the fire licking box

Sit still and wade into the elephant

Is the world just for humans

The kid tells me he has never seen a firefly

Trashing mother nature, developers call there developments (Deer Park), or (Eden Prairie) when there is nothing there but sod and houses

The environmental strategy should be the assassination of the money men

Luminous moose on the loose

Bright red monkeys with big blue behinds

She wonders if I am good material

The sun goes down like the fighting magic stick

Nice place but where are the cows

I've never lived in a home without being surrounded by cows and corn

This was heaven till the white man came

The earth is always in turmoil, falling, and changing.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

People are good things but they're also a pain in the ass

The white reminds me that it isn't there

The cities are filled with filth, cockroaches, and used condoms

An ambulance drives by every 15 minutes

The owl of the night flies by me and talks to me with a hoot

I sit against a ponderosa watching the bugs drift across my knees

My back is in pain and feet are sore from being a traveling man with a pack on my back

What's in a suit or a blue collar blue life with dirt on your hands

She dropped me like a stone because I wouldn't play the game

I lay out a still life, a fruit bowl and a bottle of wine on a table

Money was the game

What kind of game is it that makes you fight for more.

Prize Pig by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                             Iowa State Fair

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Destruction comes to those who wait

The sadness rides the waves

The hopeful tear comes so near

Why didn't she wait, user, baker, faker, naive

Afraid of the dew drop lady 

The nasty sauce pan head, the congenial man in the sack

Doesn't it smell a bit like death

Something bellows deep in the forest

It screams louder with a womans voice

An owl is crushing a rabbits skull and tearing its skin off

The radioactive man enters through the window

He comes from the sun and wears a bright pink glowing suit

Is there nothing to be done, can't we all be happy.

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Inheritance has its virtues

Born a Billionaire, the son that goes directly to the Ivy League

He doesn't spend his Summers sweeping streets at an amusement park

Nor does he have to sleep in the bed of a pickup truck because he can't afford a room at a hotel

Does he think of us fondly, does he think of us at all as he rolls down his limousine window

Can you afford $1000 plate dinners or afford to schmooze with political leaders

A man who represents the rich (1) percent of America

Should privilege be taken for intelligence

In our leaders we vote for the most hollow of men.

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

In backpacking and canoeing the slow crawl across the land forces you to see and feel everything and become a part of this land

The journey brings an open heart to a place

It brings an inner quest to philosophy

In this place I find nature, and in this place I find peace on this earth

Earth, Soil, Rock Ground.