Monday, August 1, 2016

Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Back to square one again

Put that smiley face on

Even though I am tired as shit

Lifes sham, a game show host wants to be President

The beauty of my garden seeps into decadence, but it is the only thing to live for

I paddle alone, I walk alone

The wave action washes over me, and lifts my spirits

The bear shadows me on the trail

I'm just a bag of meat to him

He's just a bag of fur to me

This lady feels I am having to much fun and need to suffer the human race

(Civilization) is it really civilized

Cars and pavement, strip malls, and big box stores with ladies using their mirrors to put on lipstick

Art is no fun, no joy, it's just all hard

In a nation that has an intellectual deficit and wants to bring back Mayberry there's no way you can make it

I lift my paddle out of the water

There's only one place for me, headed for Nahhani Wilderness, Best Wishes.

Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

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