Lead character Tommy Thumbs Dicksell
A cop on the beat in New York city
He wrecks cars, kills, maims, destroys, causes accidents to happen, creates mass riots by shutting down the cities electrical grid
In a back alley at the end of the story he's killed by a black midget in an afro (a hair style that is taller than his whole body)
The midget shoves the gun into his balls and fires six times.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
I Love you baby
The first time I saw you I couldn't believe my eyes
You are so beautiful
I'd follow you to my death
Rush the boulevard to get to you.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
The first time I saw you I couldn't believe my eyes
You are so beautiful
I'd follow you to my death
Rush the boulevard to get to you.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
She looks rather a nice person
Unlike their leaders
Unlike those who think they should lead
Unlike the leader who follows the polls
It's rather a silly situation
Those who should lead, should not want.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Unlike their leaders
Unlike those who think they should lead
Unlike the leader who follows the polls
It's rather a silly situation
Those who should lead, should not want.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Come down to the farm and meet me on the storm
On the plate it will greet the most treasured meat
Though one is missed one woman does fit on this here farm
I want to hug my grandmother but I am traveling away from humanity
I shift my spade through the sod and look in wonder at the sheer black earth amazing
They could not have picked a better place, than to pull the rocks, the stumps, and the prairie away
It is destiny that the prairie dies and that farming doesn't pay
I walk off into the field till everything is an invisible speck and I am alone
This loneness is complete on this barren spot yet the sky is always a high promise of beauty
Is this life yet to be or do I turn and face the crowd
The field is spring bare and I am the only weed
I enjoy running the bare path to the rivers edge to dunk my sore body in relief in the wet sand
And on the island there are footprints amid the coral bank
Our streets are not gold but pavement and we earn profit from toil
We turn into the forest with great thanks and find the bells and blood root awake
A pie and spaghetti dinner sit on the table among eighteen others, eating is a part of the farm
Mowing around the spruces, jousting on the Deers, pulling out the nests, shooting at the vents on the hog house
I tried to find the fox but he was gone and I did miss, the children played on
The fox caught by bullets and to think he giggled and drank the cup of blood and sat on a treasure trove of chicken feathers
I go to where the wild plums grow, the flowers smell like a hundred perfume counters
Iowa is bare earth till the corn grows up again
In Spring there is a special glow that flares from the grass
The swing sways in the wind with the chain swinging wildly and the pipes chime.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
On the plate it will greet the most treasured meat
Though one is missed one woman does fit on this here farm
I want to hug my grandmother but I am traveling away from humanity
I shift my spade through the sod and look in wonder at the sheer black earth amazing
They could not have picked a better place, than to pull the rocks, the stumps, and the prairie away
It is destiny that the prairie dies and that farming doesn't pay
I walk off into the field till everything is an invisible speck and I am alone
This loneness is complete on this barren spot yet the sky is always a high promise of beauty
Is this life yet to be or do I turn and face the crowd
The field is spring bare and I am the only weed
I enjoy running the bare path to the rivers edge to dunk my sore body in relief in the wet sand
And on the island there are footprints amid the coral bank
Our streets are not gold but pavement and we earn profit from toil
We turn into the forest with great thanks and find the bells and blood root awake
A pie and spaghetti dinner sit on the table among eighteen others, eating is a part of the farm
Mowing around the spruces, jousting on the Deers, pulling out the nests, shooting at the vents on the hog house
I tried to find the fox but he was gone and I did miss, the children played on
The fox caught by bullets and to think he giggled and drank the cup of blood and sat on a treasure trove of chicken feathers
I go to where the wild plums grow, the flowers smell like a hundred perfume counters
Iowa is bare earth till the corn grows up again
In Spring there is a special glow that flares from the grass
The swing sways in the wind with the chain swinging wildly and the pipes chime.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Every Sunday of his life he went to church and life is sweet
Every day he shuffled his way to the same cafe for lunch and life is sweet
He and his wife never had a child and life is sweet
He started out as a bell hop and became a banker and life is sweet
One day he fell and broke his leg and life is sweet
He was interred into an old folks home and life is sweet
His wife died and had friends who cared and life is sweet
He lost the use of his legs and life is sweet
He lost his ears and eyes and life is sweet
His body became stone, drug ridden and life is sweet
Maltreatment in the home eats away at his body and life is sweet
Operation 1, 2 and 3 and life is sweet
At the hospital he was hooked up to machines and lived to 103 and life is sweet.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Every day he shuffled his way to the same cafe for lunch and life is sweet
He and his wife never had a child and life is sweet
He started out as a bell hop and became a banker and life is sweet
One day he fell and broke his leg and life is sweet
He was interred into an old folks home and life is sweet
His wife died and had friends who cared and life is sweet
He lost the use of his legs and life is sweet
He lost his ears and eyes and life is sweet
His body became stone, drug ridden and life is sweet
Maltreatment in the home eats away at his body and life is sweet
Operation 1, 2 and 3 and life is sweet
At the hospital he was hooked up to machines and lived to 103 and life is sweet.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Monday, December 28, 2015
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Troy Richard Thomas
There once was a frog that sang sweetly in the garden of delights
A beautiful miss strolled along the lotus pond where mermen jealously eyed her
The songs the frog sang were each new, and each better
But each day as she neared the shy frog stopped his throaty singing
The girl was puzzled and she asked merman Matisse to catch her the frog
And merman Matisse knew exactly which frog to procure for the lady
All a frog is, is a tongue , stomach, and legs
Matisse handed her the frog and asked if she would like to eat it
"Oh dear no", she said , I couldn't think of such a thing for this frog
She opened her hand and the frog looked strong, stout, and quite silly
{Lady} Dear frog, why don't you sing for me
{Frog} I sing to the water, which is my maker, greater than all
{Lady}Won't you sing for me frog, I need a song that I can hold on to
A tear stroked the frogs loneliness
{Frog} I will sing for you on the morrow in the full bright moon my lady
And the frog jumped with speed and plunged into the water
She plunged her hand into the water and said she would be pleased
In sweet darkness the lady came and sat beside the pond
The moon gave a wink and the frog started to sing
It was a love ballad the frog sang with tragedy and romance in his voice
The frogs beautiful song moved her to tears
The frog swam to her and crawled onto a lily pad
{Lady} Was that from your heart?
{Frog} It was my heart, I love you my lady
{Lady} That is but infatuation and besides you don't even know my person
{Frog} You are my fate
{Lady} Many times fate can betray you
{Frog} Is true my lady, I shall sadly go back, but I plead you go with me
{Lady} As I walk away you should know that I am to be married to a two legged wallet
The frog spun in the glass drain below
And ended with his cooked legs on Matisse's fork.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
A beautiful miss strolled along the lotus pond where mermen jealously eyed her
The songs the frog sang were each new, and each better
But each day as she neared the shy frog stopped his throaty singing
The girl was puzzled and she asked merman Matisse to catch her the frog
And merman Matisse knew exactly which frog to procure for the lady
All a frog is, is a tongue , stomach, and legs
Matisse handed her the frog and asked if she would like to eat it
"Oh dear no", she said , I couldn't think of such a thing for this frog
She opened her hand and the frog looked strong, stout, and quite silly
{Lady} Dear frog, why don't you sing for me
{Frog} I sing to the water, which is my maker, greater than all
{Lady}Won't you sing for me frog, I need a song that I can hold on to
A tear stroked the frogs loneliness
{Frog} I will sing for you on the morrow in the full bright moon my lady
And the frog jumped with speed and plunged into the water
She plunged her hand into the water and said she would be pleased
In sweet darkness the lady came and sat beside the pond
The moon gave a wink and the frog started to sing
It was a love ballad the frog sang with tragedy and romance in his voice
The frogs beautiful song moved her to tears
The frog swam to her and crawled onto a lily pad
{Lady} Was that from your heart?
{Frog} It was my heart, I love you my lady
{Lady} That is but infatuation and besides you don't even know my person
{Frog} You are my fate
{Lady} Many times fate can betray you
{Frog} Is true my lady, I shall sadly go back, but I plead you go with me
{Lady} As I walk away you should know that I am to be married to a two legged wallet
The frog spun in the glass drain below
And ended with his cooked legs on Matisse's fork.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
It aint Love, it's Money Honey.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Imagine what a place this could be
If all the seeds I've sowed were to come up
The splendor of the grass and all the flowers within the cup
Sit in the garden with the birds and the bees and watch all of the life rejoice.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
If all the seeds I've sowed were to come up
The splendor of the grass and all the flowers within the cup
Sit in the garden with the birds and the bees and watch all of the life rejoice.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Business interests
Caribbean cheap labor
20 years American marine rule in Haiti
In interests of war
The bland faces of communism
The Haiti people elect a man to bring them out of poverty
The Haitian military rules
All players are dirty
Hands tied with barbed wire
Dead bodies strewn across the beaches
Haitians cross the ocean in unseaworthy vessels
Here rules the rifle, as it does here
There is nothing that we can do
America stands for freedom
The American government secretly backs military rule
Haitians are finger printed upon return
Haiti is business as usual, Slave eats Slave
Currently Republican George Bush is president.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Caribbean cheap labor
20 years American marine rule in Haiti
In interests of war
The bland faces of communism
The Haiti people elect a man to bring them out of poverty
The Haitian military rules
All players are dirty
Hands tied with barbed wire
Dead bodies strewn across the beaches
Haitians cross the ocean in unseaworthy vessels
Here rules the rifle, as it does here
There is nothing that we can do
America stands for freedom
The American government secretly backs military rule
Haitians are finger printed upon return
Haiti is business as usual, Slave eats Slave
Currently Republican George Bush is president.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
The conservative ideal of no brains, no balls
The talking head on tray cart wheels
Give the right parties, kiss the right ass, brown nose, and move up the corporate ladder
The hierarchy wants you to slobber on their robes, or fear them, or suffer under their rule
Go to all the right little schools and, play all the games and, you can be a smart little prick
Alivia stands behind the throne
The Republicans might be called "Authoritarians"
The Democrats might be called considerate scumbags with a conscience
The cups are half full these days
It's all lies and advertising, you are being controlled and, herded into a box.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist
Troy Richard Thomas
The talking head on tray cart wheels
Give the right parties, kiss the right ass, brown nose, and move up the corporate ladder
The hierarchy wants you to slobber on their robes, or fear them, or suffer under their rule
Go to all the right little schools and, play all the games and, you can be a smart little prick
Alivia stands behind the throne
The Republicans might be called "Authoritarians"
The Democrats might be called considerate scumbags with a conscience
The cups are half full these days
It's all lies and advertising, you are being controlled and, herded into a box.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist
Troy Richard Thomas
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
The road
What is there left to say, but that we have finished the road
We have ruined everything
We the people are not long for this world
It is but a guess to our time of expiration
A human scape is not worth living in
Go where you will
I'll see you in the darkness of the spaceship that is fleeing earth.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
What is there left to say, but that we have finished the road
We have ruined everything
We the people are not long for this world
It is but a guess to our time of expiration
A human scape is not worth living in
Go where you will
I'll see you in the darkness of the spaceship that is fleeing earth.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Geronimo painting
Of war and life he was one of the greatest Americans
In the painting the turtle is the being, the super animal inside the human
The frog on top of the head means nature, survival, and the similarities to the facial expressions and spirit
The bird on the left is nature and is part of the gun butt
The bird on the right represents nature
Blood red tears flow from the eye
The are in the right hand corner is fill
The clouds represent beauty, violence, and freedom
Blue field on left is sky or fill
On top of blue field is color break and not glasses as suggested by my Father
Light blue waves of chin, the hidden meaning of water or river
The bullet played an important part in Geronimos life and represents part of his knee
Circular life both sides of head comes from the painter Gauguin
Inter connecting circuit on left is modern world or civilization on trial.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Of war and life he was one of the greatest Americans
In the painting the turtle is the being, the super animal inside the human
The frog on top of the head means nature, survival, and the similarities to the facial expressions and spirit
The bird on the left is nature and is part of the gun butt
The bird on the right represents nature
Blood red tears flow from the eye
The are in the right hand corner is fill
The clouds represent beauty, violence, and freedom
Blue field on left is sky or fill
On top of blue field is color break and not glasses as suggested by my Father
Light blue waves of chin, the hidden meaning of water or river
The bullet played an important part in Geronimos life and represents part of his knee
Circular life both sides of head comes from the painter Gauguin
Inter connecting circuit on left is modern world or civilization on trial.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Driving down highway (6)
This how Johnny Two Tone got his kicks
He had a hard rock in his pants for a latter day girlfriend
He read a Tijuana Bible while he drove down the road
Johnny Two Tone didn't give a fuck who he hit, just so he did it well
Two drove nude, except for an oak leaf glued to his penis
He was busted in Nebraska 22 times for indecent exposure
He was raped in jail by two Evangelical ministers
The two faggots sang hymns afterwords
Johnny Two Tone had the great ability of being able to suck on his own manly nipples and receive carrot juice
Johnny Two read the obituaries while he pointed a gun to his head
His underwear smelled of erect pillow passion
Upon leaving he torched his motel room
At a grocery store he stuffed blood red meat down his pants
Johnny broke into a new found widows home
While she was at her husbands funeral he microwaved her dog and her pussy
He took a pee in the street and was arrested
Johnny Two Tone walks into a cloning machine and over populates Iceland
He placed leeches on his knees to cure his brain disorder
Five Japanese tourists take pictures of Johnny in the park
He invited them over to his bachelor pad where he fed them cans of Alpo (they couldn't read the labels)
Johnny Two put his tounge in the electrical socket and went out and got a job at fast food restaurant
Two pimple faced kids he worked with wiped their noses on the buns and got arrested
Johnny threw a dead turtle in the deep fat fryer
He stood naked at a fat farm and was desired by blob butted girls
In Hollywood he was picked up by a porno queen who painted her nails a bright green
As sex film star he shoves his toes into a socially smart vagina
The director and photographer jacks off and gives all his films camera shake
Two shaved baboons enter the set and butt ravage a transvestite
Johnny Two Tone runs to the land of the sacred cow
Under the half eaten moon Johnny plants landmines on pastureland
Milk cows named Emma and Philips 76 bloat in the sun
Skeleton mastodons hang from a dead mans thumb
Vultures circle the white prick church full of bat shit
Johnny Two Tone grabs a spaceship and blasts off to another solar system where he torches an alien nation
The Greek god Odonius lives on
Welcome to the insane asylum, it's so nice to be here.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
This how Johnny Two Tone got his kicks
He had a hard rock in his pants for a latter day girlfriend
He read a Tijuana Bible while he drove down the road
Johnny Two Tone didn't give a fuck who he hit, just so he did it well
Two drove nude, except for an oak leaf glued to his penis
He was busted in Nebraska 22 times for indecent exposure
He was raped in jail by two Evangelical ministers
The two faggots sang hymns afterwords
Johnny Two Tone had the great ability of being able to suck on his own manly nipples and receive carrot juice
Johnny Two read the obituaries while he pointed a gun to his head
His underwear smelled of erect pillow passion
Upon leaving he torched his motel room
At a grocery store he stuffed blood red meat down his pants
Johnny broke into a new found widows home
While she was at her husbands funeral he microwaved her dog and her pussy
He took a pee in the street and was arrested
Johnny Two Tone walks into a cloning machine and over populates Iceland
He placed leeches on his knees to cure his brain disorder
Five Japanese tourists take pictures of Johnny in the park
He invited them over to his bachelor pad where he fed them cans of Alpo (they couldn't read the labels)
Johnny Two put his tounge in the electrical socket and went out and got a job at fast food restaurant
Two pimple faced kids he worked with wiped their noses on the buns and got arrested
Johnny threw a dead turtle in the deep fat fryer
He stood naked at a fat farm and was desired by blob butted girls
In Hollywood he was picked up by a porno queen who painted her nails a bright green
As sex film star he shoves his toes into a socially smart vagina
The director and photographer jacks off and gives all his films camera shake
Two shaved baboons enter the set and butt ravage a transvestite
Johnny Two Tone runs to the land of the sacred cow
Under the half eaten moon Johnny plants landmines on pastureland
Milk cows named Emma and Philips 76 bloat in the sun
Skeleton mastodons hang from a dead mans thumb
Vultures circle the white prick church full of bat shit
Johnny Two Tone grabs a spaceship and blasts off to another solar system where he torches an alien nation
The Greek god Odonius lives on
Welcome to the insane asylum, it's so nice to be here.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Little boy running with glee towards the garden of eden
You have to fight for every breath you take
Try not to shed blood if at all possible
There is no man that stands tall among us
The freak show horse has passed away and entered another universe
Beneath the river another artist passes, he died poverty stricken
She likes the failure, she is the average stain that humanity shits out every four seconds
For shame on the these thinking beings for who are they to trust
No man is lower than a politico
We cannot say we are truly here
Through ages history is lost, and the same things are fought for
The sun grants us a long life, and greets us at our wake
Democracy for the people by the people
We deserve the government we vote for
The political machine represents us
God I wish we had a choice
For me the two party system does not satisfy.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
You have to fight for every breath you take
Try not to shed blood if at all possible
There is no man that stands tall among us
The freak show horse has passed away and entered another universe
Beneath the river another artist passes, he died poverty stricken
She likes the failure, she is the average stain that humanity shits out every four seconds
For shame on the these thinking beings for who are they to trust
No man is lower than a politico
We cannot say we are truly here
Through ages history is lost, and the same things are fought for
The sun grants us a long life, and greets us at our wake
Democracy for the people by the people
We deserve the government we vote for
The political machine represents us
God I wish we had a choice
For me the two party system does not satisfy.
Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
105 Cupcakes
The chorus teacher told me it was my turn to bring treats to class on Friday
I begged my Mother to bake 105 cupcakes for class
My Mom carefully packed them away in a box and told me that I could have two of them
Being the angelic person that I am, I helped myself to 32 cupcakes
They were the best cupcakes I've ever had, they were made with love and joy, and I enjoyed every damn one of them
As walked the four grueling miles to school with that box I started popping those cup cakes in my mouth
By the time I arrived at the school doors I had 38 cupcakes left
At my locker my girlfriend asked me if she could have one
I told her "No!" " you get your own cupcakes, these are all mine"
This a beautiful and kind girl who gave me a bite of her fudgesicle every afternoon, that and hand jobs
And blow jobs whenever I could sneak it in her mouth
Sitting in detention for five periods I whittled away at those cupcakes
The detention room was 5' x 5', painted puke green and was lit by a yellow light bulb
They would have had bars on the room but it was against fire code
They were trying to use psychology to repulse students but I always came back
Just before I walked into chorus class I ate the last of the cupcakes
They were so delicious
The chorus teacher turned to me and asked if I had anything to share with the class
I dumped the box on the floor and said, "I've got a bunch of paper stubs for you bastards to eat"
Six periods of detention, well that's no big deal
The only song I ever sang in chorus was the Batman and Robin song
The truth is I am a great singer but I am more like the Warner Brothers frog in the top hat
Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
The chorus teacher told me it was my turn to bring treats to class on Friday
I begged my Mother to bake 105 cupcakes for class
My Mom carefully packed them away in a box and told me that I could have two of them
Being the angelic person that I am, I helped myself to 32 cupcakes
They were the best cupcakes I've ever had, they were made with love and joy, and I enjoyed every damn one of them
As walked the four grueling miles to school with that box I started popping those cup cakes in my mouth
By the time I arrived at the school doors I had 38 cupcakes left
At my locker my girlfriend asked me if she could have one
I told her "No!" " you get your own cupcakes, these are all mine"
This a beautiful and kind girl who gave me a bite of her fudgesicle every afternoon, that and hand jobs
And blow jobs whenever I could sneak it in her mouth
Sitting in detention for five periods I whittled away at those cupcakes
The detention room was 5' x 5', painted puke green and was lit by a yellow light bulb
They would have had bars on the room but it was against fire code
They were trying to use psychology to repulse students but I always came back
Just before I walked into chorus class I ate the last of the cupcakes
They were so delicious
The chorus teacher turned to me and asked if I had anything to share with the class
I dumped the box on the floor and said, "I've got a bunch of paper stubs for you bastards to eat"
Six periods of detention, well that's no big deal
The only song I ever sang in chorus was the Batman and Robin song
The truth is I am a great singer but I am more like the Warner Brothers frog in the top hat
Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
Turn off the lights
As quiet as a mouse walk downstairs in your socks
Turn on the Christmas lights and bathe under the sparkle of the tree
Let your eyes play amid the drummer boy, the sleigh, the skater, and the sparkling icicles
Let it all play in your mind, the beauty of the lit tree city
While the flame of the stove warms your cheek
Live the dream of wonder.
Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
As quiet as a mouse walk downstairs in your socks
Turn on the Christmas lights and bathe under the sparkle of the tree
Let your eyes play amid the drummer boy, the sleigh, the skater, and the sparkling icicles
Let it all play in your mind, the beauty of the lit tree city
While the flame of the stove warms your cheek
Live the dream of wonder.
Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas
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