Thursday, November 19, 2015

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

I stand in the sky touching the cold heart

Watching the snow lizard lick it's wounds

In the darkness a mulberry tree is on fire, melting the snow in a round blue pattern

A naked young woman stands against the flames

A mottled young pup sits obediently and waits for her

The blinking star watches me, I cry out to it for help

A chair gallops up to me and consoles me and tells me to stab myself and fall off the bridge

I wake up to find that I have always been dead

A shrieking silence that blinds

A  blood rojo icicle hangs from my heart

On top of my television set three blind mice conduct a play of Three Musketeers

Three children play on an ocean of grass

The children run up a clock and are catapulted into the sun where little generals play combat with the young pawns

The generals unzip there soldiers chests and remove the bullets and send them back out to play amid the schrapnel

When the generals are done with their little soldiers they send them back home cradling a frozen turkey and a cheap watch made by the people that they fought against.

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

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