Sunday, June 28, 2015

Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                        Hacienda de Legend

The Legend, the man of myth, the man of sunsets

The Legend is a man that wears the same Hawkeye baseball cap every day and has a corn cob pipe between his lips, with sunglasses so dark that you can't see his steel blue eyes

The Legend is so wealthy and rich that he lives in a tent half the year

He is the only man to ride a Lake Superior shark while finger banging a beaver off the shores of Christmas, Michigan (no a real beaver)

When he skips rocks at Mosquito Beach they go for miles (88 skips)

At night he can be found at Foggys Bar playing cards with Bigfoot while aliens play flute music from what looks like their assholes

When the Legend sky dives he can momentarily stop in mid air and shit on seagulls and bad children who throw rocks at kayakers

Yes the Legend can swim like a fish, run as fast as the cheetah, he could jump from the high dive at age three

At beach parties he can bury himself in the sand and reappear forty feet away

If you ever see the Legend dragging kayaks up a flight of stairs, if you help him he will reward you with a gorgeous painting of himself

The Legend, the man of myth, forest dweller, wave rider, cow killer, bronco rider, hammock dweller, buccaneer, dolphin and squirrel linguist

The Legend is walking a beach drinking a martini with a bikini clad chic at his side, they disappear into a sunset

The sun is where he goes to regenerate his soul

Some say that he sleeps in two mummy bags so that he doesn't freeze to death

                     Hacienda de Legend

Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun}by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

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