Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                   The liquid dream fantasy

                    The swirling orange sun

       Laughing pink clouds and purple majesty

Bikini clad Asian chick shaking that money maker

   Rolling on that waterbed where it never leaves
                                 your head

  Dinner in a box you say, where's my steak and
                                 curly fries

Sorry sir but were going to need to cut your legs off, so you can run the rudder quicker

 Going to that place where all the mosquitos are
                                so friendly

As advertised in the brochure, the hyperdermic
                                little pricks

   Crazy Hailey gives me another fat chick to
                            shove into a hole

So I'm shaking that money maker, I hear that monkey grinder song, I have the beggars bowl
                      out and puppy dog eyes

A beautiful girl tells me I have grease on my nose

  They all leave me with the straps and the boats

          It's getting dark and you hear the buzz

             And you do that slapping dance

       I strip off my wet shirt and fall on the cot

I reach for another Black Rocks, pop the cap and
     drink the brew, and I'm back on the water
                        floating in slumber.

Poetry from the book { The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas


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