Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Diary entry from the book {Prometheus Lives} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

      I enter the bayou with three racing vessels on my Stern. I turn to take the wakes. The boat wakes throw my boat up in the air and I paddle through a six foot screen of water. The land behind me is maybe eight inches above the water line, I can rest my elbow on the bank. The working oil rig boats gave me hellish boat wakes. Some of the boats gave me low wakes, some didn't. I was used to the wakes at this point in my journey, but this was tight quarters.
The sky is turning a dark purple with a menacing dark blue. A sheet of rain and high winds hits me along with these oil rig boats. I can barely see through my eye glasses. I give them a quick wipe with my bandana.

Diary entry from the book {Prometheus Lives} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Poetry from the book { Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

         Borders are there to keep out the poor

         The rich can live anywhere they want.

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Poetry from the book { Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                 The Appalachian Trail dandy
        I meet this guy on the trail who snubs me
            He looks like southern aristocracy
                He wears a fedora on his head
         And doesn't have a speck of dust on him
          He looks at me with disgust and disdain
        I look like a hobo pirate who sleeps under
                                     the stars
  And doesn't know how to use a washer and dryer
                 It's more fun being a barbarian
               Than being a Victorian gentleman.

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Monday, February 23, 2015

Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} Artist Troy Richard Thomas

       The sign says no fireworks, no loud music,
                       And no public fornication
    So what happens at the campground that night
                    Fireworks go off in the sky
   At least three campers are playing loud music
Or as they like to say, sharing their musical tastes
                           with other people
                 Later that night a car arrives
  A couple gets out of their car and fucks against
                               the dumpster
                  A cheap date if you can get it
 People want what they want, and don't seem to
                 mind if they share it with you.    

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                Every day is another day to die
                Every day is another day to cry
               No hope, no chance, no romance
                      Just the devils dance
            A tango for one, deaths door suicide
            The waiting game isn't for the smart
The game waits till you have nothing left to hide
                 You have a gun to your head
                     Lets say that you're wed
                    It's been a long hard ride.

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

     Like a ghost with no name I slide among the
                    young people in Iowa City

                        I feel sorry for them

   Money is going to hit them like a sledge hammer

              There's nothing out there for me

           I am a dreamer, an artist with wings

The world is pitiless, a bland ugliness hangs over
this earth like some hovering vulture waiting for
                                   it's meal

                    I am trying to play it fair

   It's a hard play to do when your options are a
                            diploma or a gun

          All I needed was four art sales a month

                      I can't hold on forever.

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                   The liquid dream fantasy

                    The swirling orange sun

       Laughing pink clouds and purple majesty

Bikini clad Asian chick shaking that money maker

   Rolling on that waterbed where it never leaves
                                 your head

  Dinner in a box you say, where's my steak and
                                 curly fries

Sorry sir but were going to need to cut your legs off, so you can run the rudder quicker

 Going to that place where all the mosquitos are
                                so friendly

As advertised in the brochure, the hyperdermic
                                little pricks

   Crazy Hailey gives me another fat chick to
                            shove into a hole

So I'm shaking that money maker, I hear that monkey grinder song, I have the beggars bowl
                      out and puppy dog eyes

A beautiful girl tells me I have grease on my nose

  They all leave me with the straps and the boats

          It's getting dark and you hear the buzz

             And you do that slapping dance

       I strip off my wet shirt and fall on the cot

I reach for another Black Rocks, pop the cap and
     drink the brew, and I'm back on the water
                        floating in slumber.

Poetry from the book { The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas


Monday, February 16, 2015

Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                      We lay in the long grass
                        Watch the world pass
                   The clouds above as we kiss
                     I lay my head on her chest
                 I listen to the beat of her heart
                      I fall into the deepest of
                          Slumber and bliss.

Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Poetry form the book {Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                              Smiley Face
                      Don't worry be happy
                  If the floods don't get you
       The droughts, fires, earthquakes, tornadoes,
                          And disease will.

Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

The city of Newton enacted a law that said all lawns must be mowed to a standard height

My typical preference for lawn height happens to be two feet

I like dandelion and chickweed bouquets

I thought of a way to get around this law by plowing up and getting rid of the lawn

And replacing the lawn with rows of corn

Now imagine opening your front door and walking through a field of corn to get your morning newspaper

Corn is a grass and a fine crop

Now I can't imagine any municipality in the state of Iowa banning corn but they would probably try.

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Poetry from the Book{ Lion and the Sun } by Artist Troy richard Thomas

                                     Putin and ilk roll into Ukraine
              Putin is in the tribe of the mediocre
    The mediocre need to be told they look pretty
                           When they are not
     They need to be schmoozed and sucked up to
     Because they have nothing to offer this world
              But there own inferiority and stink
Dead inside filling the world with pain and misery
           There are so many of them out there
    Leaders are just the tip of the iceberg of filth.

Poetry from the book {Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Friday, February 13, 2015

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

            When politicians come calling to Iowa
                    I'm putting a sign in my yard
                     I just want to let them know
                       That "my vote is for sale"
           Why give money to all these tv stations
        When you can give it directly to the citizen. 

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                   We are living off of Chaos
                           The truth of life.

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Poetry from the Novel {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                    Welcome all ye soldiers
                    Welcome all my friends
                          Lets fight again
                          Lets fight again
                    The wars keep coming
                       The wars never end.

Poetry from the novel {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Artist Troy Richard Thomas Poetry from the Novel {Bunny Hop}

                                 Grey Days
                   Waiting for the sun to shine
           I want to walk with the heat on my face
                   The sun bouncing off the snow
                   Two weeks of mist and clouds
                      The land is asleep or dead
                 The only thing you can do is hunker down
           And read a good book or watch a movie
       I watch from the window this life less circle
           I wish I could hibernate like the bear.

Poetry from the Novel {Bunny Hop} By Artist Troy Richard Thomas 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Poetry exert from the Novel {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                I didn't have health insurance

I walked into American Family Insurance Company with my Father to get coverage

       The insurance agent asked three questions

                   1. Do you smoke?   No

                 2. Do you scuba dive?   No

3. Have you ever parachuted from a plane?   No

He said thank you for answering my questions Mr. Thomas, you are now covered by American Family Insurance

As were walking back to the car I turn to my Father and say,"he forgot to ask me if I was going  down the Mississippi River in a kayak next week.

Poetry exert from the Novel {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Poetry excert from the novel {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                      You earn your money
              It's not particularly evil or good
                  You slave for that currency
                    It eats away at your life
             You eat the cake till it's all gone
                    I'm running out of time
            The candle of my soul is burning out
    I try to feed the flame but I can never change
     I am less than human, I am a dog on a chain.

Poetry from the Novel {Bunny Hop} By Artist Troy Richard Thomas