Sunday, December 29, 2019

Poem from the book { Bunny Hop } By Artist Troy Richard Thomas


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Tracks at Colfax by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

I used to hike the tracks ten miles from my home to do some camping on the Skunk River (named after wild onions that grow along the river). Their is a mansion above the wildlife area in Colfax, Iowa that once had pigs living in the once plush mansion.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Mr. Addicts by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Family friend and babysitter when I was age 1 to 4 years old in Newton. When he was put in the old folks home my Mother visited him every day for 28 years.  

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Land Shark waiting for a Jello Square by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

This is my dog called the Land Shark. My Mother used to make Cherry Jello Squares for my Brother and I .  When Mom would leave to do errands we would take the jello squares and throw them up on the ceiling where they would stick for a minute and our dog would sit intensely under the jello square and snap as it came down off the ceiling. My Mother once asked me what are those pink marks on the ceiling, I said oh I don't know.