Thursday, February 22, 2018

Winter Iowa City by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

On the streets of Iowa City Shooting a Winter storm. From 1990 to 1994 I lived with my Brother in Iowa City off and on doing photography and spending time with the Pollack painting at the museum, and going through the art books at the university art library.

Two Vans Winter Iowa City by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Walking around Iowa City in the night time during a snow storm in the 1990s. 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                  They're just another ordinary
                  Eating and pooping machine
                             Praying to God
                      And wearing bonnets.

Poetry from the book {The Lion and the Sun} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Trump Land by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Monday, February 12, 2018

Dining Room from the 80's by Artist troy Richard Thomas

The dog laying down underneath the table was named Cher. She was like a shark when we were eating dinner. 

Bullshit Repellent, Gingerbread Man Giving The Finger by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

The Bullshit Repellent was given to me on my birthday. Gingerbread Man giving the finger was baked in my 1st Grade class at Woodrow Elementary. My beer can collection Knoxville Worlds Fair, Billy Beer, President Carters bucktoothed brother. YMCA PeeWee League Basketball Trophy McNeer, Austad, Holldefer, Monte, Netzl, Stiles

Country Road To Paul McNeers House by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                              Newton, Iowa

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

               Life is a mystery, life is a sham

                    Life goes down in flames

             No one cares which way you fall

       I stand in the cold lands burning with fire

I am alone but for the rocks and trees and the mini bear that steals crumbs from my hand

It is a pity I don't get to see her anymore, someone to destroy the boredom and warm my toes

With only the stars over head, I search for her face

          A million pebbles gather on my body

                     I can't push them away

            A trillion thorns push into my skin

  My life is lost when my lips no longer kiss her

      I paint a golden person on a golden cross

Life is lost in the disarray and chaos of humankind

               You must gather all the pieces

                       And sweep them away.

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas