Monday, August 28, 2017

BarnYard Scene by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

A girl I went to High School with raised sheep and other animals on her parents farm.

Bleeding Hearts by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

One of my most successful plants I put in the garden in 1999.

Steamboat House Design by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

A steamboat themed housing development  on Sabula Island, Iowa. The only island city on the Mississippi River. Sabula is on the southern edge of the Driftless Area.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Poem from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                Life is a mystery, life is a sham

Life is a dance of flames and arrows that the monkey man throws while you are on the road

Sometimes it's just cans and bottles and a bare butt hanging out of a pickup truck

The white trash god does not care where you go, or shed a salty tear for your existence

It is a pity I must face this human world alone

With only the stars overhead, I search for her face

A million pebbles gather upon my body and I can't push them away

          A trillion thorns push into my skin

My life is lost when my lips no longer kiss her

I paint a golden person, on a golden cross beneath the crooked oak

When life is in disarray, and disappointment, you must gather all the pieces and sweep them away.

Poem from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Sunrise at Burlington Bay by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                    Two Harbors, Minnesota
         A nice campground right on the lake.
      Judy's Cafe downtown is recommended.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Protected Bay Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                    Grand Marais, Minnesota

Marina at Grand Marais by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Marina at Grand Marais by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Marina at Grand Marais by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Bicycle Parked by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                  Grand Marais Campground

Harbor at Grand Marais by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

The Melissa by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

        Boat Yard at Grand Marais, Minnesota

Man Rowing out to Boat by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                    Grand Marais, Minnesota

Kadunce River Confluence by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Nice beach to land on and wait to get picked up.

Headed for Lutsen by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

           I took out at Lutsen Grandview Park.
Wind direction changed the last for miles and waves picked up to two and three foot waves. The landing was hard, no beach just hard rock.

My Kayak at Gooseberry by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

   My kayak at the beach at the kayak campsite.

Five foot Wave Action by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

         Shoreline wave action at Lambs Resort
      A nice beach to land on further down, the   campground is one of the better camps that I have stayed at.

Campsite view by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

Lambs Resort
Lake Superior

Friday, August 4, 2017

Sunset Park by Troy Richard Thomas

Loading the boat for the 2nd part of my Journey down the Mississippi River. Sunset Park in the Quad Cities.

Yellowstone National Park by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                   Yellowstone National Park
                             Cody, Wyoming

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas

                    I'm living on prairie skies

                    I'm living on prairie skies

     I haven't a chance in this whole wide world

                   I'm living on prairie skies

For tomorrow brings another Spring and all I can do is cry

                   I'm living on prairie skies

                   I'm living on prairie skies

        Where buffalo once lived and all died

                   I'm living on prairie skies.

Poetry from the book {Bunny Hop} by Artist Troy Richard Thomas